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Planned Gifts and Bequest Language

Many donors find that through a planned gift they are able to make a significant philanthropic impact while saving tax dollars. Some gift planning strategies provide income to the donor while also benefiting the charitable organization, such as St. John’s College of Nursing.

When considering such a gift, consult your attorney or your financial advisor to ensure you accomplish your estate planning goals. The HSHS St. John’s Foundation can provide you with names of qualified estate planning professionals in the area should you need assistance.

The following language can be included in one’s will/trust or codicil: "I give (written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property) to HSHS St. John’s Foundation, a Division of the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis Foundation, 800 E. Carpenter St., Springfield, IL 62769, to provide funding for St. John’s College of Nursing.”

If you have named St. John’s College of Nursing in your will or trust, or are thinking of doing so, please contact Bev Neisler at 217-757-6555 or [email protected] to be recognized in our Legacy Society.