Give to St. John's College of Nursing
St. John’s College of Nursing is strengthened by the generous support of our alumni and friends. Your gift, no matter the amount, contributes to the success of our students and faculty. Charitable gifts help to prepare the next generation of nurses, many of whom work in medical facilities in the central Illinois area caring for our loved ones.
Student awards and scholarships are a wonderful way to help our hard-working students secure their future, achieve their dreams, and care for their patients with the highest level of competence and compassion. More details on these opportunities can be found here.
Gift officers at HSHS St. John’s Foundation are happy to assist you with your plans to contribute, regardless of the gift amount. Contributions can be made in the form of cash, check, credit card, appreciated stock or other assets. Please make checks payable to HSHS St. John’s Foundation, 800 E. Carpenter St., Springfield, IL 62769 and indicate your contribution is for St. John’s College of Nursing.