By completing and submitting the payment plan enrollment form, you are promising to pay all tuition, fees, books, and any miscellaneous charges and to honor the terms of payment in four monthly installments during the enrolled semester as calculated on your Payment Plan Calculation Sheet attached to your payment plan form.

It is understood that any changes to my financial aid award or additional charges could require an adjustment in the net amount due and the amount of my monthly payment.

If it is deemed necessary to use collection procedures to collect outstanding tuition, fees, book, and any miscellaneous charges not paid when due, you agree to pay all attorney fees and other reasonable collection costs and charges associated with collection. 

The payment plan enrollment form must be returned to the bursar no later than the first payment date indicated, prior to the start of the semester in which the tuition and fees are due.   

Fall Semester: Enrollment and first payment by July 20.  Second payment due by September 20, third payment October 20, and fourth payment November 20.  

Spring Semester: Enrollment and first payment by December 20.  Second payment due by February 20, third payment March 20, and fourth payment April 20. 

Summer Term: Enrollment and first payment by April 20. Second payment due by May 20, third payment June 20, and fourth payment July 20. 

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].  


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