Directory Information
Directory information is data about a student which can be released without prior consent because it would not generally be considered to be harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The college designates the following items as directory information: Name, address, telephone number, dates of attendance/class standing, previous institutions attended, major, degree, awards, and honors.
Unless the college has been notified by the student that directory information about himself/herself is not to be released, the college may release such information at its discretion and without further permission. Note, however, that the college reserves the right to not disclose directory information in some situations or may choose to limit the scope of the release to specific parties, for specific purposes, or both, even if a student has not opted-out of such disclosures. Students who do not wish to permit the distribution of such information should notify the Admissions Administrator/Registrar within two weeks of the start of classes each semester. Students may request that all or part of his or her directory information not be released.
The college will honor all requests to withhold any of the categories of directory information listed in the completed form, but will not assume any responsibility to contact the student for subsequent permission to release the information. Regardless of the effect on the student, the college assumes no liability for honoring a request of the student to restrict the disclosure of directory information.
Notwithstanding the above, a student may not opt-out of the disclosure of the student's name, identifier or college email address in a class in which the student is enrolled.