Resources Available
Below is a list of resources that are available to you, both within the college and in the community. Please contact the Title IX coordinator or a confidential advisor if you need assistance in accessing and navigating any resources and services.
Title IX coordinator:
Stacie Reichensperger, Dean of Students, St. John's College
729 E. Carpenter St.
Springfield, IL 62702
(217) 814-5468
[email protected]
Deputy Title IX coordinator
729 E. Carpenter St.
Springfield, IL 62702
(217) 814-8645
Counseling (confidential)
1-877-327-7429 (Web ID : HSHS4U)
Campus Security
HSHS St. John's Hospital Security Department
(217) 814-4020
Student Financial Aid
Tim Marten, Financial Aid and Compliance Officer
(217) 814-4705
Local Police
Springfield Police Department
(217) 788-8311 (for emergency dial 911)
Legal Assistance, Visa and Immigration Issues
Illinois Legal Aid
Immigration Advocates Network
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services