Evening of Remembrance set for Oct. 25
October 19, 2022 
Parents and family members who have experienced early pregnancy loss, stillbirth, neonatal death or death of a child later in life are invited to attend the 2022 Annual Evening of Remembrance Tuesday, Oct. 25, at HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital Breese.
The service will begin at 5:15 p.m. and be held in the hospital’s cafeteria. Please use back parking lot and colleague entrance. Attendees will be required to wear non-cloth, medical-grade masks, as masks are still required in health care facilities per Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.
This short commemorative prayer service includes the honor reading of names. The service honors the memory of all children, regardless of age or time passed.
All those grieving the loss of a child are welcome to attend, including parents, grandparents, siblings and others in the family unit, as well as the professionals who care for grieving families. Additionally, the loss does not have to be recent and participants do not have to be patients of St. Joseph’s Hospital to attend.
No need to RSVP. If you wish to include your child's or children's names in the program, contact Sister Pamela Falter at 618-526-5327 or email pamela.falter@hshs.org, by Monday, Oct. 24.