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Welcome New Year's Baby 2022

January 03, 2022 

HSHS St. Elizabeth’s Hospital proudly welcomed Kyrie Tatum Killion as the first baby born at the hospital in 2022 to Mallory Killion of Carlyle. He was born at 12:06 a.m. on January 1 at St. Elizabeth’s Women and Infants Center; weighing 7 pounds 5 ounces and 20 inches long. 

In celebration of being the first baby born in 2022 at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, the baby and his family were presented with a basket of gifts presented by the colleagues of the Women and Infants Center.

For others expecting in 2022, St. Elizabeth’s Women and Infants Center offers a wide range of services for mothers and infants, and the prenatal class schedule for 2022 is now available on our website at It includes Prepared Childbirth Classes, Breastfeeding Fundamentals and other education about the amenities and quality at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.

St. Elizabeth’s Women and Infants Center is recognized by the National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program, created by Cribs for Kids, as a Bronze Safe Sleep Hospital. The hospital also has a partnership with SSM Health Cardinal Glennon pediatricians who provide coverage 24/7. These pediatricians care for babies admitted to the Well or Intermediate Care Nurseries. The Intermediate Care Nursery is also staffed with specially trained nurses to care for babies born with special health care needs.

Photo Caption:  HSHS St. Elizabeth’s Women and Infants Center gifted Mallory Killion (left) and Kyrie Tatum Killion with a special gift basket for being the first baby born at the hospital in 2022. Also pictured is grandmother Cheryl Simmons. 

Welcome New Year's Baby 2022