- Newborn weight checks
- Preemie assessments
- Oxygen use
- Synagis administration
- IV Chemotherapy (Broviac, Central, PICC)
- IV Antibiotics
- Tube Feedings (NG or G)
- Port flush/Access
- PICC lines management
- Pre/Post transplant nursing
- Pre/Post surgery care
- Diabetes education/Med management
- Cleft lift/palate education/treatments
- Congenital syndromes education & treatment
- iVig
- Cystic Fibrosis education & monitoring
- Cardiac assessment
Pediatric Programs
HSHS Home Care Pediatric Service offers skilled health care to pediatric patients ages newborn to 18 years of age in their homes. The focus of pediatric home care is on the health needs of the infant, child, adolescent in a family setting.