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Wound Care & Hyperbaric Center

There are many different types of wounds, and those that won’t heal can be concerning, frustrating and time consuming to address. At HSHS St. Vincent Hospital we offer the most advanced wound care services, including hyperbaric oxygen therapy.

Mature female patient in a blue gown sitting in hospital bed looking up smiling to her male doctor standing bedside.

HSHS St. Vincent Regional Wound Care & Hyperbaric Center is a full-service wound center utilizing the most proven and trusted techniques in wound management, including three state-of-the-art hyperbaric oxygen chambers. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy supercharges the body’s healing ability with concentrated oxygen to help resolve painful, stubborn wounds and infections. HSHS St. Vincent Regional Wound Care & Hyperbaric Center also specializes in the use of bioengineered tissues, which stimulate the body to heal wounds by creating new skin. 

The wound care medical team includes certified specialists in wound care and hyperbaric medicine, podiatrists, plastic surgeons and vascular surgeons so the complex needs of patients with non-healing wounds can be met quickly and conveniently in one location.

A comprehensive treatment plan may include

We’re here to help you heal! If you have a wound that hasn’t healed after 30 days of standard care, or another condition listed above, call 920-433-8586 today.

HSHS St. Vincent Regional Wound Care & Hyperbaric Center

HSHS St. Vincent Regional Wound Care & Hyperbaric Center is the largest and most established center in the greater Green Bay region providing advanced wound care services since 1998.

Our wound care and hyperbaric center treats

  • Bed sores
  • Diabetic foot sores
  • Foot ulcers due to diabetes, poor blood flow or swollen legs
  • Leg swelling
  • Leg wounds due to poor circulation
  • Pressure sores
  • Radiation sores
  • Surgical wounds
  • Traumatic wounds

Our hyperbaric oxygen therapy services treat

  • Bone infections
  • Compromised skin grafts and flaps
  • Crush injuries
  • Delayed radiation injuries
  • Qualifying diabetic wounds of the lower extremity
  • Wounds due to serious infection