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Opioid CME learning modules

Our goal is to spread awareness through education and to help providers apply best practice management of opioid use disorder when working with all patients

older white nurse helping 2 female nurses look at ipad older white nurse helping 2 female nurses look at ipad

The following are CME learning modules for medical professionals interested in learning about the impact of medication-assisted recovery and how to recognize the risks and benefits of initiating buprenorphine in an emergency department. Each module is $15 and earns one CME credit.  

Prevea and HSHS employees and physicians may take the courses for free. Email or call 920-458-5557 extension 73108 for the free/discount code.* 

Accessing CME modules

  1. Click the module link below.
  2. *Prevea and HSHS employees and physicians enter the discount code.
  3. Click the Register button.
  4. If you do not have an account, you will need to create a new account. If you have an account, please enter your username and password and click on Enroll Now.
  5. There is a three-question pre-test and a three-question post-test. After reviewing the module, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire (required by Prairie Education & Research).
  6. After completing the questionnaire, you will be provided with instruction on how to obtain your certificate.


Email or call 920-458-5557