Advance Directives

Communicate your wishes and plan ahead with advance directives.

Senior couple discussing advanced directives with health care professional Senior couple discussing advanced directives with health care professional

Human life is a precious gift and we are committed to providing care and support for all in need.  When illness becomes critical, it is necessary to think about those difficult decisions regarding life-saving measures. 

You have the right to make decisions about your health care. This includes the right to accept or refuse medical or surgical treatment. You also have the right to give direction, in advance, about the kind of health care you want if the time comes when you cannot make your own decisions. You can do this by completing an advance directive.

You can control your future health care by signing a Power of Attorney for Health Care form naming a trusted relative or friend to communicate for you, and by signing a document called a Living Will that tells the kind of life-sustaining treatment you want or don’t want.  These documents, called Advance Directives, are written statements you make, in advance, about your future medical treatment decisions.

What is an Advance Directive?

Advance directives are the legal documents that allow you to give direction to medical personnel, family and friends concerning your future care when you cannot speak for yourself. You do not need a lawyer to complete advance directives.

For more information about creating advance directives and copies of the various documents:


In Illinois, visit the Illinois Department of Public Health web site at


In Wisconsin, visit the Wisconsin Department of Public health web site at

Additional Wisconsin Resources

All Regions

Discussion Guides for Advance Care Planning 

Organ and Tissue Donation

Organ and tissue donation offers patients a new chance at healthy, productive and normal lives and returns them to their families, friends and communities.  You have the power to change someone's world by being an organ and tissue donor.  It's about living.  It's about life.  


In Illinois, find more information at:


In Wisconsin, find more information at:

Senior hand holding younger hand on red blanket

Video Series

Talking about death and dying is difficult.  Yet, it is precisely conversations and advance planning like this that can help ease what will always be a difficult situation. This series was produced with the intention of providing guidance on specific end of life topics to help form your conscience – no matter what your stage in life is.