Supply Chain Services

The goal of HSHS Supply Chain Services is to assist all HSHS ministries and service centers in achieving their satisfaction and fiscal stewardship goals by providing procurement and contract expertise and guidance.

Male technician taking inventory Male technician taking inventory

Our services ensure that all of our facilities get the right products and equipment at the right time and price while ultimately providing our patients with the highest quality and most affordable health care.


For any questions or inquiries please feel free to reach out to HSHS Supply Chain Services.

Phone: 217-492-9696  |  Fax: 217-523-5460

For any questions related to purchasing and accounts payable transactional events please contact the Consolidated Services Help Desk (CSHD).

Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm 
Phone: 844-284-5981 |  Email: [email protected]

To remain competitive in the ever-changing field of health care, creating and sustaining effective and efficient supply chain operations is an absolutely critical measure. HSHS realizes this, but more importantly, HSHS realizes the need to create more effective and affordable care for our patients. To utilize our resources in the most efficient manner possible, and preserve our world for generations to come, HSHS endorses the latest supply chain trends and processes to ensure our patients are provided with only the highest quality and safest care.

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The Contracting Group at HSHS utilizes exceptionally diligent processes to monitor and measure contract compliance, manage the agreements within the vast portfolio of our group purchasing organization, HealthTrust (HPG), and collaborate with our clinical colleagues to develop standardized formularies that can be adopted across all of HSHS to improve the quality of care.
The Procurement Group provides purchasing services for all HSHS ministries. Additionally, we also provide assistance to our colleagues and suppliers with questions related to purchasing and accounts payable.

For questions related to purchasing and accounts payable transactional events please contact the Consolidated Services Help Desk (CSHD). 

The CSHD is the first level of support for end users and vendors for procurement and accounts payable services. Providing excellence in customer service is a key principle of Consolidated Services and the Consolidated Services Help Desk (CSHD).  The Consolidated Services team strives to ensure that the level of service provided exceeds expectations. This customer service approach will ensure that HSHS colleagues and vendors contacting the CSHD speaks to someone who is trained and experienced in efficiently providing information and facilitating a resolution.
The Pharmacy Services Group is responsible for all aspects of pharmaceutical contracting and clinical support activities for its member facilities. Our team combines cutting edge, outside-the-box thinking with a portfolio of industry-leading pharmaceutical contracts to support each local ministry.
The Capital Equipment Group evaluates all capital equipment quotes for standardization opportunities, and negotiates the final pricing of this equipment. We also utilize the latest supply chain trends by leveraging the system’s size, and coordinating all hospital purchases into bulk buy opportunities for similar equipment and manufacturer purchases.

Supply Chain Initiatives

HSHS Mission Outreach

HSHS Mission Outreach is a medical surplus recovery organization developed by the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis to improve healthcare for the poor by collecting, repairing, packaging, and distributing medical supplies and equipment to more than 530 hospitals and clinics operating in 95 countries worldwide. The medical supplies are recovered from over 100 hospitals, 18 clinics, manufacturers and corporations throughout Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Missouri and Kansas. Since 2002, HSHS Mission Outreach has provided an environmentally-sound service, caring for those in need through recovery and redistribution of $92 million worth of life-saving medical supplies that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill. This initiative has made a profound difference in the countless lives of others.