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Request for Support

Each year HSHS Illinois hospitals receives a large number of requests for sponsorships, donations and staff participation for many worthwhile causes and events in our community.

Request for support Request for support

All requests for support must be submitted through the form below

Preference will be given to requests received at least one month in advance.

Please note: As our communities enter Phase Five of the Restore Illinois plan, all HSHS hospitals will follow IDPH guidelines when evaluating sponsorship requests for events.

Someone from our outreach team will follow-up within two weeks of your form submission.

Must be at least two weeks from request date.
Please include location and physical address.
If yes, please use the link below to upload documentation listing specific publicity and/or recognition by sponsorship level.

If you are interested in learning more about how to request an AED machine from our Community AED program, please visit our Prairie Heart Foundation here.