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For Medical Professionals

At HSHS, our commitment to holistic care, combined with the latest in medical science, where the best doctors come to practice the best medicine. HSHS is proud to offer all of our providers with easy access to EpicCare, credentialing and more.

Request Access to EpicCare Link

HSHS offers qualifying organizations the opportunity to obtain necessary medical record information for continuity of care and billing through an internet based access to our medical records system called EpicCare Link (ECL). 

Qualifying organizations are organizations that share a common patient with the hospital and have been approved by the hospital to receive access. Some examples of the types of organizations that would qualify are: physician offices, nursing homes, dialysis centers, hospitals, organ donation agencies, and home health agencies. 

Your First Step: EpicCare Link Site Level Agreement & Questionnaire

Your organization is required to have a completed EpicCare Link Site Level Agreement and Questionnaire with HSHS.  

Download Agreement | Download Questionnaire

Please Note:

  • Using the links above, please download and complete the EpicCare Link Site Level Agreement and Questionnaire.
  • Complete each form and save to your local computer.
  • Agreements must only be signed by a person having signature authority for your organization. 
  • The “Participant” blank should be completed with your organization’s legal name. 

If you would like to add a new user to an existing EpicCare Link site, use the admin button at the top of the screen upon logging into EpicCare Link.

Helpful Handouts

Contact Us

For password and EpicCare Link technical issues contact the HSHS Helpdesk: 877-403-4357 or [email protected]