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Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit

After inpatient rehabilitation, 75.5 percent of our patients return to a home environment, exceeding the national average.

Young female nurse assisting young female patient with mobility rehabilitation

Our inpatient rehabilitation unit offers comprehensive services, takes an interdisciplinary approach to restoring living skills and delivers a complete range of services, which treat the whole person-body, mind and spirit. Our team of rehabilitation specialists work together to help patients achieve the highest level of independence possible. We work closely with patients, their families and caregivers to develop and accomplish common goals — improved mobility, self-care, safety and communication.

For more information:

To consult with our medical director, call 920-272-1611.
To refer a patient to our Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit, call 920-433-8254.

We offer a broad scope of services to those with:

  • Multiple trauma
  • Brain injury
  • Stroke
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Amputation
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Guillain-Barre Syndrome
  • And other diagnoses

Our rehabilitation unit also offers:

  • Weekly team conferences with patients and family to review their current level of function, goals, discharge plans and questions

  • A fully secure care system to ensure that patients safely remain within the facility

  • State-of-the art rehabilitation devices, such as the H200 Bioness Electrical Stimulation units and Lite Gait Training System

  • Specialty services, such as lymphedema management, vestibular therapy, driver rehabilitation readiness and video swallow study

Admission to the Inpatient Rehabilitation Center:

  • A patient must be able to participate in intense therapy (a minimum of three hours of therapy at least five days per week).
  • Therapy must consist of at least two disciplines (physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy or prosthetics).
  • Patients cannot be ventilator dependent.
  • Patients should pose no physical threat to themselves or other patients in the unit.
  • Patients should be adults ages 18 and older with special consideration for adolescents.

Our comprehensive team of rehabilitation experts includes:

  • Physiatrists (rehab physicians)
  • Nurses
  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Speech language pathologists
  • Case managers
  • Certified wound specialists
  • Certified lymphedema therapists
  • Neuropsychologists
  • Diabetic educators
  • Pastoral care