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AHWONN Intermediate Fetal Monitoring Course


group of doctors standing in hallway comparing notes group of doctors standing in hallway comparing notes
HSHS St. Vincent Hospital Heritage Conference Room D&E
Door County colleague $100
Non HSHS colleague $125
In the event of a cancellation, we request that you notify us as soon as possible.

This course addresses principles of fetal heart monitoring and may be used as a knowledge assessment tool to validate comprehension of experienced perinatal clinicians.

This course includes lecture, hands-on skill stations including performing Leopold maneuvers, placement of an intrauterine pressure catheter and fetal spiral electrode, interpretation of fetal monitoring tracings using a case-based approach, identification of physiologically based clinical interventions, and communication and risk management principles. Online prerequisite education is required prior to attending the one-day course. Successful completion of the online knowledge validation test is required to receive CNE/CME for the course. This course can be used to support preparation for certification examinations.

  • Overarching goal is to provide common foundation of knowledge and skills relating to FHM.
  • Recognizes that clinicians’ knowledge, experiences, and skills differ.
  • Patient safety promoted when all clinicians use standardized terminology.

CNE/CME contact hours: 11.25/11.25 (0.5 hours pharmacology credits available)
Format: Online prerequisite education, followed by a one-day, Instructor-led course.

Who is this course for?

Clinicians who have completed entry-level/basic education and use fetal monitoring in the intrapartum setting.

  • Includes lecture and hands-on skill stations, including performing Leopold maneuvers, intrauterine pressure catheter and fetal spiral electrode placement, identification of physiologically based clinical interventions, and communication and risk management principles.
  • Use as knowledge validation for experienced perinatal clinicians.
  • May be used to support certification exam preparation.
  • Online integration test required.

HSHS colleagues, please contact your leader to register for this course. 

Learning Outcomes

  1. Interpret fetal heart rate monitoring using NICHD terminology within a safety culture framework of interdisciplinary teamwork.
  2. Describe clinical interventions and related maternal-fetal physiology to optimize fetal oxygenation.
  3. Demonstrate collaborative communication in the perinatal setting.
  4. Demonstrate common perinatal procedures related to fetal monitoring.

If you do not receive a confirmation email after registering, please contact Paula Kiel at (920) 433-8303 or

Registration is closed at this time.