Anthony's Story

Baby Anthony playing in an interactive play center in a living room

One thing that any expecting parent looks forward to is finding out the gender of their baby. When Liza DeCora was pregnant she went in for her routine anatomy ultrasound around 20-weeks in hopes of finding out her baby’s gender. However, they were having trouble seeing the baby’s full profile and Liza was asked to return for another ultrasound. At her next appointment, Prevea Obstetrician/Gynecologist, Dr. Robert Moyer confirmed that her baby boy had a bilateral cleft lip and palate, but they would not be able to tell the extent of his condition until he was born. While this condition runs in her family, it was still tough news to hear.

Care for baby Anthony began months before he was born. Liza saw a Prevea Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist, every four weeks for ultrasounds and monitoring.

"It was comforting knowing that we could receive care locally instead of having to drive to Milwaukee or Madison.”

On December 13, 2014, Anthony Barker III was born via cesarean section at HSHS St. Vincent Hospital. “When I first saw Anthony, I cried,” said Liza. “He was so perfect and I knew his care would start immediately. The nurses were very helpful and stepped in to help with his feedings until I was comfortable doing so on my own. ”

With the extent of Anthony’s bilateral cleft lip and palate known, we started planning for surgery at just a few weeks old. In February 2015, Anthony went in for the first of two surgeries at HSHS St. Vincent Hospital to bring his lips and nose together. His second surgery took place in March 2015. Both procedures went well and as planned. Anthony will have his third surgery at 11-months-old at HSHS St. Vincent Hospital to complete the palate repair. Once complete, he will not need another surgery until age 7.

Today, Anthony is a happy, healthy baby who loves to play and explore.
