
Volunteering for HSHS St. Mary's Hospital Medical Center is a wonderful way to provide a helping hand to those in need. Thank you for your interest in giving back to our community.

male hospital employee high fiving elderly patient laying in hospital bed male hospital employee high fiving elderly patient laying in hospital bed

Volunteers are key members of the HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center family. They help carry out the hospital’s healing mission while demonstrating the hospital’s values of Respect, Care, Competence, and Joy. Volunteers serve in 15 different areas of the hospital. Some have regularly scheduled hours while others serve “on-call” for special projects.

The partners of HSHS St. Vincent/St. Mary’s Hospitals is a special group of volunteers who socialize as well as perform service in the hospital. Partners run the hospital Gift Shop and sponsor other fund-raising activities such as Hats Off, Fashions from the Heart fall fashion show, uniform sales, and book fairs. The group meets for breakfast or luncheons and welcomes both active and associate members.

Thank you for considering the many volunteer opportunities at HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center. By becoming a volunteer, you will make a positive impact on those you come in contact with. We understand your time is valuable and truly appreciate your interest to share that time with our patients and colleagues.

Application Process

Please print, complete, and return the following forms to begin the application process to become eligible to volunteer at HSHS St. Mary's Hospital Medical Center.

Forms to complete

Forms to complete

Please print, complete, and return the following TB Questionnaire and Background Information Disclosure to become eligible to volunteer at HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center.
How to Submit Forms

How to Submit Forms

Return Forms To:
HSHS St. Vincent Hospital 
Volunteer Services
PO Box 13508
Green Bay, WI 54307-3508


If you have questions, please contact Amy Ray via email [email protected] or by phone 920-498-4383  or MaryAnn Brunette via email [email protected] or phone 920-433-8561.

Thank you for your wanting to give back to our community by volunteering at HSHS St. Mary's Hospital Medical Center.