Celebrating 125 Years

HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center is proud to celebrate 125 years of service to the Green Bay community in 2025!

Celebrating 125 years (1900-2025) Celebrating 125 years (1900-2025)


HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital Medical Center is proud to celebrate 125 years of service to the Green Bay community in 2025!

Welcome to our site dedicated to honoring this momentous occasion, where you can share your own stories and memories about St. Mary’s.

To the hospital’s founding Sisters of Misericorde, our Hospital Sisters of St. Francis, and patients, medical staff, colleagues, volunteers, Board members, donors, and community partners – past, present, and future – thank you. We are overflowing with gratitude for your support and efforts in making us who we are today, and we look forward to continuing to serve the health care needs of our community for many more years to come!

Share Your Stories

Do you have a special story or memory to share? We would love to hear from you!

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