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Tree Planting and Blessing for Earth Day

April 18, 2023 

Each year in April, people around the world come together for Earth Day to highlight the importance of conserving energy, reducing waste and treating the planet with respect and care. HSHS St. Mary’s Hospital will host a tree planting and blessing in celebration of Earth Day on Thursday, April 20 at 10 a.m. near the St. Mary’s Cancer Care Center. The short prayer service will include the blessing of a redbud tree as well as readings and prayers to celebrate Earth Day and honor patients going through cancer treatments. 

“St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis and St. Mary’s Hospital, was a lover of nature,” said Sr. Ritamary Brown, OSF. “Each year we like to gather, celebrate and give back to our Earth by planting a tree.” 

This year’s tree was donated by Taylor Made Landscaping, a local landscaping company who provides lawn services to St. Mary’s and keeps the hospital campus beautiful year-round. 

Tree Planting and Blessing for Earth Day