HSHS St. Joseph's Hospital's Cancer Care Closet
HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital in Breese offers wigs, hats, scarves and other head coverings through their Cancer Care Closet program. To visit the Cancer Care Closet, contact 618-526-5436
St. Joseph’s Breese Wig Loan Program
- Choose from several dozen donated wigs cleaned by certified Cosmetologists.
- Help yourself to hats and scarves made and/or donated by Clinton County Quilters Association members and other generous souls.
- Try on and choose from new fashionable wigs created especially for cancer patients.
- Bring home a catalog of additional styles and colors.
Contact Megan Korte PTA/MT at [email protected] or call 618-526-5436 to schedule your appointment. The closet is located in the St. Joseph’s Breese Healthplex at 14160 Jamestown Road.
Chemo kits for men and women
Chemo kits include specialized comfort items. The items in these kits can help ease some of the side effects many experience during chemotherapy, or help people pass the time during their treatments.
Monetary donations are currently accepted for the Cancer Care Closet by check only.
Please make checks payable to:
HSHS St. Joseph's Breese Foundation
In the memo portion of the check, write:
"Restricted to Breese Cancer Care Closet"
If you have any questions on making a donation, please call us at 618-526-5698.