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Healing Garden Paver Program

Engraved pavers that honor or memorialize someone you love placed in our Healing Garden

St. Joseph's Healing Garden St. Joseph's Healing Garden
Healing Garden area

About the program

An engraved paver placed in the healing garden at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Breese is a wonderful way to honor your loved ones. The pavers will be prominently placed inside the garden located near the inpatient wing on the hospital campus. Proceeds from the paver sales will go towards maintaining and preserving the beauty of this tranquil place. The cost of the pavers is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law and available for order year round.

Paver pricing

  • 7” x 14” Paver $300 (Small)
  • 14” x 14” Paver $450 (Medium)
  • 14” x 21” Paver $600 (Large)
  • Bench $5,000 (Limited number available)
Share Angel of Hope statue in St. Joseph's Healing Garden

The Share paver program

For those wanting to purchase a paver in memory of an infant loss from the SHARE Group, please contact Chris Gebke at or 618-526-5351.