Auxiliary Scholarship Application

Anyone entering the medical or allied health field may apply.

Woman at a laptop Woman at a laptop

Application Process

A biography (Personal Profile) will be on a separate sheet. The essay should be 1 or 2 pages and double spaced describing your background, what made you choose the particular program of study and also how you could benefit our community if chosen to receive the grant in aid.

The applicant must have a copy of the acceptance letter into the medical program from the college they will be attending in order to apply. Also, it is required that all paperwork be original each year, not photocopies of information from previous years. 

All letters of recommendations are to be written within 3 months of application for scholarship.

It will be called a Grant instead of a scholarship and will be given for the applicant to use to the best of their advantage.

An applicant can only receive an award once. Repeat applications from previous grant recipients will not be accepted.

There are no strings attached, however, since the money for the Grant in Aid fund comes from the Clinton County area, it would be nice if you could, upon graduation, work in this area or help to sponsor other candidates through your donation to the fund or help benefit our community through their work.

$1000 will be given by the end of June. Applicants may re-apply every year, but their grades must be at least average.

Deadline: Applications will be made available in March each year. Applications are to be received by May 1. Applications may be applied for at a later date only in exceptional cases.

Only current residents of Clinton County are eligible to apply. Schools attended need not be an Illinois school. Grants will be made known by the end of May this year.

Award will be given in June, specific date will be determined at a later date. Your presence is preferred.

Complete and submit application below by May 1

List the name, age and relationship of each dependent.
Have you done post-high school study in a field other than that which you will be in this fall? If so, what; and how do you explain your change of interest?
List in chronological order all schools attended beyond elementary school. Include addresses and degrees or diplomas obtained.
What honors, academic or otherwise have you received and when?
List health-science related fields or activities you have been involved in; either for recreation, as a volunteer, or as an employee.
What particular qualifications do you feel you have for the occupation you have chosen? When did you decide on this field, and what were some of the factors which led to your decision?
List all jobs you have held (dates, employer, and type of work) and indicate whether they were full or part time.
If you are not currently in school, how have you been occupied since leaving school?
Who is the primary contributor to your support?
Above and in the next fields, list your anticipated expenses for the coming school year.
Attach a personal letter of reference that has been written with 3 months of this application.
Attach one letter of reference from a teacher or counselor that has been written within 3 months of this application.
Attach a briefly written profile of yourself, stressing aspects relevant to your occupational choice and goals. Should be 1 or 2 pages double spaced, describing his/her background, what made applicant choose the particular program of study and also how could he/she benefit our community if chosen to receive a grant in aid.
Attach your high school and/or college transcript and available aptitude and achievement tests. High school transcripts are not necessary if you have had more than one year of college.
Attach a copy of the acceptance letter into the medical program from the college you will be attending.
Certify that the information in this form is to the best of my knowledge complete and valid.