The Springfield Area Mobile Intensive Care System (SAMIC)

SAMIC was created at HSHS St. John's in 1976 following the inception of the Emergency Medical Services System.

Emergency personnel

Today, St. John’s EMS, IDPH Region 3 System encompasses 13 counties, with 46 transport and non-transport EMS services, along with five associate and participating hospitals providing emergency care throughout the region. These agencies represent nearly 650 EMTs, advanced EMTs and paramedics. 

EMS Continuing Education

EMS Continuing Education

EMS training is available in‐person at your agency, here at St. John's or through distance‐learning.  We will customize your learning utilizing our team of experienced clinicians to deliver lecture or hands‐on training to simulate all types of adult and pediatric, medical or traumatic scenarios in the EMS setting.  
Contact our EMS Educator, Bob Kayma at [email protected] to discuss your training needs.
EMS Instructor and Candidate Resources

EMS Instructor and Candidate Resources

EMS Contact Us

EMS Contact Us

HSHS St. John's Hospital
800 E. Carpenter  |  Springfield, IL 62769
(217) 757-6815  |  Fax: (217) 757-6047
[email protected]


Brian Churchill, EMT-P, MSHA, CHEC
EMS & Emergency Management Facilitator


Bob Kayma, EMT-P, LI, LSSGB
EMS Educator


Dr. Rebecca Tracy
EMS Medical Director
Board Certfied in Emergency Medicine and Emergency Medical Services

SAMIC Partner Agencies

SAMIC Partner Agencies

We are proud to partner with our transport agencies to provide emergency management services.

Download our Transfer Agencies

HSHS St. John's coordinates emergency management services with the following non-transport agencies.

Download our Non-Transfer Agencies
Mobile Simulation Lab with CPR mannequin and young male trainer

Mobile Training Simulation Lab

To provide area emergency medical service (EMS) providers with the most realistic and comprehensive training environment available, HSHS St. John’s Foundation purchased a mobile simulation training lab for use by area providers who are part of SAMIC, or Springfield Area Mobile Intensive Care System.

This equipment to enhance the skills of first responders was possible thanks to financial support from the Illinois Fire Chiefs Association Education and Research Foundation, Medics First, Inc., Hospital Sisters of St. Francis, America Ambulance and memorial contributions for former St. John’s colleagues Al “Doc” Lewin and Amy Jones, RN.

To learn more, email [email protected].