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Lung cancer screening

A low-dose CT scan can find lung cancer early

lung scan on computer monitor

Are you one of the thousands of Americans who is at risk for developing lung cancer? According to the American Cancer Society, more people die of lung cancer each year than of colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined. The good news is that when diagnosed early, lives can be saved. HSHS St. John's Hospital’s Lung Cancer Screening can do just that. 

St. John's Lung Cancer Screening is a quick, painless, non-invasive low dose CT scan which can detect nodules or spots on your lung which might be early indicators of lung cancer. It takes just one-minute to have a scan which can potentially save your life.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 217-814-5394

Lung cancer screenings are most beneficial to those with the highest risk of lung cancer:

  • Current or former smokers who are older: A lung cancer screening is generally an option for smokers and former smokers who are 50 years or older. Check with your insurance provider or Medicare on their age/smoking history requirement, as well as any other criteria.
  • Smoked heavily for many years: Those who have a tobacco smoking history of at least 20 “pack years” – an average of one pack (20 cigarettes) per day for 20 years.
  • Once smoked heavily but have since quit: Those who were once a heavy smoker for a long time but have since quit smoking in the last 15 years.

Patients should consult with their insurance provider about coverage.

A physician’s order is required for a Lung Cancer Screening. If you would like to consider having this screening, please make an appointment with your family physician to have an informed discussion on the potential benefits, limitations and possible risks of having a Lung Cancer Screening. After reviewing and discussing the criteria for the Lung Cancer Screening, your physician will determine if you are a candidate for a Lung Cancer Screening.