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Breast Health

Take some time for you and put yourself first. Make sure to schedule an annual mammogram.

Several women in pink celebrating each other

We get it -- you're busy - but you are important, too. Consider this important fact: breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women in America. It's also one of the most treatable when detected early.

Woman receiving a screening mammogram

Screening mammograms and early detection

The American Cancer Society guidelines recommend that women age 40 and older should have a screening mammogram every year. Screening mammography offers the best chance of finding breast cancer early. Finding breast cancer early means more treatment options and a better chance for a cure.

Early detection is the best way to protect against breast cancer.

That’s why HSHS St. John's Hospital is transforming breast cancer screening and detection with the latest 3D mammography technology and a focus on your comfort. Our goal is to make breast health as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Instead of reviewing the breast tissue in a single, flat image, this technology folds together a series of images to create a 3D view, allowing doctors to see the tiniest details and find cancer in its earliest stages.