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Montgomery County Cancer Association presents $10,000 donation

November 13, 2023 

The Montgomery County Cancer Association (MCCA) recently presented a $10,000 donation to HSHS St. Francis Hospital for their Cancer Care Center.

St. Francis Hospital President and CEO Jim Timpe expressed his appreciation for the contribution, saying, “This most generous donation from MCCA is particularly meaningful to us as we prepare to double the size of our cancer center. The expansion will allow us to offer additional services to more people while improving their quality of life by providing this important health care service close to home without the burden of traveling during their illness.”

The hospital’s Cancer Care Center offers chemotherapy and infusion services five days a week, with services provided by a dedicated team of oncologists and caring colleagues.  

Linda Klotz, president of MCCA, credited the group’s fundraising efforts and the many hard-working volunteers for the generous donation. Klotz and Paula Endress, director of philanthropy for St. Francis Hospital, gave special tribute to Pat Cailey, a longtime colleague of St. Francis Hospital and treasurer of MCCA, who recently passed away. “Pat, along with the many dedicated volunteers of MCCA, have always been so supportive of our efforts as we are of theirs. We are so grateful for all they do for our community,” shared Endress. 

For further information about St. Francis Hospital’s Cancer Care Center, contact Aryn Hunter, director of operations, at 217-324-2191.

Photo Caption: (Left to right) HSHS St. Francis Hospital representatives Paula Endress, director of philanthropy, and Jim Timpe, president and CEO, accept a generous contribution of $10,000 for the hospital’s Cancer Care Center from Linda Klotz, president of the Montgomery County Cancer Association (MCCA).
Montgomery County Cancer Association presents $10,000 donation