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Live drive-thru Nativity set for December 12

December 06, 2024 

HSHS St. Francis Hospital invites the community to view a live recreation of the night of the Savior’s birth at a drive-thru nativity scene on Thursday, Dec. 12, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the circle drive in front of the hospital, 1215 Franciscan Dr. in Litchfield. Attendees will also receive free hot cocoa packets and Christmas craft bags for children. 

The history of the Nativity is connected to the saint which the hospital is named after, St. Francis of Assisi. In 1223, St. Francis of Assisi began the tradition of commemorating the birth of Christ with a live Nativity near the city of Greccio, Italy. Concerned that the hermitage would be too small for Christmas midnight Mass, he set up an altar near the town square. He prepared a manger with hay and gathered live animals to illustrate the story of Jesus’ birth.

Volunteers from the hospital will take on the roles of Mary, Joseph and the three wise men in the Nativity scene. Participants must remain in their vehicles at all times. 

In case of inclement weather, event status updates will be posted on the hospital’s Facebook page, @StFrancisLitchfield.

Live drive-thru Nativity set for December 12

Media Contact

Vicki Macklin

Communications & Public Relations Specialist