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Hospitalist Services

In recent years, a new specialty of medicine has emerged called "Hospital Medicine." Hospitalists are physicians who specialize in caring for patients during their stay in a hospital.

Young female doctor talking to elderly patient in hospital setting

Because these physicians are based in the hospital, they are available throughout the day for admissions and emergencies. They take care of patients in the same manner as primary care physicians would. They order tests and treatment and consult specialists when appropriate. They also keep patients' primary care physicians abreast of any significant changes or developments while patients are in the hospital. Following discharge, hospitalists provide detailed summaries of the patients' stays to their primary care physicians for continued care.

Studies have shown that the benefits of hospitalist care for patients include extra availability and specialized focus during their stay. In addition, patients often report a decrease in the length of stay and lower rates of readmission.

Our hospitalists are board certified in family medicine and treat patients who have been referred by emergency room physicians, primary care physicians, or other physicians in the hospital. They also can serve patients who are admitted through the emergency room and who do not have a primary care physician. Our ‘team-care’ approach includes mid-level professionals (physician assistants and nurse practitioners) that augment and support both the hospitalists and referring physicians. 


  • Hospital care 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • In-patient medical care when referred by your provider
  • Coordinating hospital tests and treatment programs
  • Consulting with sub-specialists
  • Intensive care

Hospitalist FAQs

Your own primary care physician may request that a hospitalist be in charge of your care during the hospital stay. In this way you have the benefit of being seen by a doctor whose practice is entirely focused on the care of hospitalized patients. Additionally, this can enable your primary care doctor to be more available to you in the office, rather than trying to go back and forth between seeing patients in the office and in the hospital.

The hospitalist will be in charge of your care and will see you every day to direct your treatment while you are in the hospital. This doctor is available to you and your family to answer questions and discuss your care. The hospitalist works at the hospital full-time to provide for your care and attend to any emergencies that may arise. The hospitalist may consult other doctors to participate in your care as well.

The hospitalist will make arrangements for any prescriptions you may need when you are discharged. You may be asked to make an appointment with your primary care doctor or with other doctors soon after discharge. Since hospitalists do not have an outpatient patient practice, you will not have an appointment to see the hospitalist again after discharge. You may contact the hospitalist after discharge if you have any questions about the hospital stay.

The two doctors work together. Your primary care physician can provide information about your past health history to the hospitalists, and the two doctors can discuss any significant findings or events. At the time of your admission and discharge, the hospitalist prepares a detailed report of findings and treatment plans that is sent to your primary care physician.

Your primary care physician asks the hospitalist to be in charge of your care while you are in the hospital, but is welcome to check on you and discuss your care with the hospitalist anytime during your hospital stay. When you are discharged, you will return to the care of your primary care doctor.
Consultations from other physicians are necessary in some cases, and the hospitalist can arrange for these as necessary. If you have already been seeing other doctors at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital or elsewhere, be sure to let us know so that we can keep them informed about your hospital stay.