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Cardiac Rehabilitation

A medically supervised exercise and education program for people with heart or lung disease.

Two older men working out on gym-type equipment


St. Elizabeth's Hospital’s Cardiac Rehabilitation Program is a medically supervised exercise and education program, designed for people who may have a heart or lung disease or for those who are at risk for developing heart disease. This specialized service helps cardiac patients achieve maximum potential and return to a productive, healthy lifestyle.

Cardiac rehabilitation also enhances emotional well-being. We encourage active participation for the patient and his/her family members. We support a positive approach to the rehabilitation phase, while discussing various changes in lifestyle that are to take place. Any questions or concerns regarding activity are discussed with the patient and family.

Cardiac Rehabilitation helps to increase motivation, improve self-esteem and reduce anxiety and depression in cardiac patients, while serving as a support system for the patient and his/her family.

Additional program offered:

Supervised Exercise Therapy (SET) for Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)


Nicole Toennies, Program Facilitator, 618-234-2120, ext. 12947

More about cardiac rehab

Cardiac Rehabilitation is for persons who have experienced:
  • coronary artery disease
  • congestive heart failure
  • heart attack
  • coronary bypass surgery
  • angioplasty
  • stent placement
  • heart valve repair/replacement
  • heart or heart-lung transplant
Entry into the program requires the referral of each patient’s personal physician, who will continue to provide primary care. Most insurance carriers cover the majority of cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation services. Each patient's insurance company will be contacted to verify coverage and obtain pre-authorization prior to enrollment.
Your referring physician, nurses, and exercise therapist - specially trained in heart and lung disease management - will work with you each visit. A multi-disciplinary team of: dietitian, pharmacist, respiratory therapist and spiritual care representative will provide additional specialized programs.