Spiritual and Pastoral Care

Our organizational mission statement is, “To reveal and embody Christ’s healing love for all people through our high quality Franciscan health care ministry.”

Patient in hospital bed and member of our spiritual care team hold hands Patient in hospital bed and member of our spiritual care team hold hands

Your church or synagogue can be notified of your hospitalization if requested by a patient or their family.

Caring for your physical, emotional and spiritual well-being is a primary concern of HSHS St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Rooted in the Catholic tradition, the hospital embraces a holistic ministry to all dimensions of the human person: body, mind and spirit.

Being a patient can be stressful and profoundly affect you and your loved ones. During joyful times, your spirit soars. During times of crisis or illness, your spirit can become heavy. Often, questions and concerns arise when you are in the hospital. You may experience fear, anxiety or loneliness. Perhaps your faith is uncertain. Maybe you feel lost, confused or overwhelmed. These feelings are common and none of us are immune to them. St. Francis knew the importance of a healing touch and encouragement during these times.

The Spiritual/Pastoral Care Department includes Spiritual Care Ministers from the Catholic and Protestant traditions, volunteers, a priest who provides the sacraments and a Director. We can also contact ministers of other faith traditions. If you or your family would like to see someone from Spiritual Care Services, ask you nurse to notify us or have the switchboard page the Spiritual Care Minister on call.

Spiritual Care is located on fifth floor of the hospital next to the Chapel. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Chaplians are available at the hospital from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday, and from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Sundays. A chaplain is on call at all other times. 

Contact Information: 618-234-2120, Ext. 51091

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