Ways to give
The HSHS St. Elizabeth's Foundation welcomes the opportunity to assist those who wish to donate to the hospital through planned gifts, annual gifts, memorials and/or tribute gifts.

Charitable Trusts

Corporate and Foundation Gifts


Gifts Made Through a Will
Members of the Heritage Society have arranged for a charitable bequest – a gift made from an estate, after death, or as a result of instructions outlined in a will. Bequests can be of a specific dollar amount, a specific asset or assets or for a percentage of an estate. If you choose to give a gift to St. Elizabeth's Hospital through your will, you can make your bequest available for our immediate use or you may restrict it to endowment. With endowment gifts, a portion of the investment earnings are used to fulfill the stated purpose of the gift. Please contact the Foundation office for the proper way to list St. Elizabeth's Hospital in your estate.
If you have or are planning on including St. Elizabeth's Hospital in your will, you are eligible to become a member of our Heritage Society. Please call or write our office and let us know.

Honor Your Caregiver with a Gift of Gratitude
St. Elizabeth’s caregivers make a difference every day. They offer a hand to hold, give a reassuring smile, go an extra step and share encouraging words. Simple gestures of kindness often mean the most to us. A gift of gratitude or a donation to HSHS St. Elizabeth’s Hospital can be made in honor of a physician, nurse or staff member who made a difference in your care or that of a family member. Gifts to St. Elizabeth’s Foundation allow us to provide high quality compassionate care to our patients. Download this form and tell us how your caregiver made a difference and that you would like to recognize them with a donation in their honor. For more information on ways to give, contact St. Elizabeth’s Foundation at 618-234-2120, ext. 12446.
*The information contained in this web site is for informational purposes. You should seek advice from your personal legal or tax advisor to determine your individual tax benefits."

Life insurance

Matching Gifts

Memorial and Honor Gifts

Stocks & Securities
Tax ID: 37-1186514
Legal Name: Hospital Sisters of St. Francis Foundation, Inc.
d/b/a HSHS St. Elizabeth's Foundation