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Wound Care & Hyperbaric Center

Are you one of approximately six million americans who suffer from a slow healing wound?

Mature female patient in a blue gown sitting in hospital bed looking up smiling to her male doctor standing bedside.

HSHS St. Clare Regional Wound Care & Hyperbaric Center is the only advanced wound care center with a hyperbaric oxygen chamber north of Green Bay and south of Iron Mountain. The center provides advanced, high-quality wound care services closer to home eliminating the time, stress and cost of traveling to Green Bay or Iron Mountain for this care.

A comprehensive treatment plan may include

  • Wound cleaning and debridement
  • Specialized dressings
  • Advanced biological tissues
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • Medications
  • Physical therapy
  • Nutritional support

Our experts provide:

  • Full-service wound care, including the most proven and trusted techniques in wound management.
  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) to supercharge the body’s healing ability with concentrated oxygen to help resolve painful, stubborn wounds and infections.

HSHS St. Vincent Regional Wound Care & Hyperbaric Center

HSHS St. Vincent Regional Wound Care & Hyperbaric Center is the largest and most established center in the greater Green Bay region providing advanced wound care services since 1998.

Our wound care and hyperbaric center treats

  • Pressure sores
  • Surgical wounds
  • Radiation sores
  • Foot ulcers due to diabetes, poor blood flow or swollen legs
  • Diabetic foot sores
  • Leg wounds due to poor circulation
  • Bed sores
  • Traumatic wounds
  • Leg swelling

Our hyperbaric oxygen therapy services treat

  • Qualifying diabetic wounds of the lower extremity
  • Compromised skin grafts and flaps
  • Delayed radiation injuries
  • Wounds due to serious infection
  • Bone infections
  • Crush injuries

We’re here to help you heal! If you have a wound that hasn’t healed after 30 days of standard care, or another condition listed above, call 920-848-6387 to learn how we can help you.