Cancer Survivorship

Care beyond care. No matter what type of cancer you face, it affects not just your body, but who you are as a person, and the lives of the people closest to you. We are here to help.

Female nurse sitting with female cancer patient while she receives treatment

The moment you’re diagnosed with cancer, you become a cancer survivor as start healing like one. While your oncology team treats your cancer, your survivorship team gives you a helping hand, guidance and support you need to heal the whole you. Studies have shown that up to 95% of all cancer patients can benefit from survivorship services. At HSHS St. Vincent Hospital Cancer Centers, along with our partner Prevea Health, we’re with you every step of the way.

Financial Counseling & Social Work

Financial Counseling & Social Work

Financial counseling

Of course, no one plans on a cancer diagnosis, or the lost work time and wages that may result. We believe financial circumstances should never be a barrier to getting exceptional care. Our trusted experts can help you address and manage the costs of care, plus identify outside resources that may be able to assist with the financial impact of your treatment.

Oncology Social Work

A diagnosis of cancer and subsequent cancer treatment can result in a period of adjustment and an increase in stress for patients and their families. Oncology social workers provide counseling and other services which can reduce stress for you and your family.
Cancer Nutrition Services

Cancer Nutrition Services

Eating the right kinds of foods before, during and after cancer treatment can help you feel better, stay stronger and heal faster. That’s why we have a dietitian dedicated to patients with cancer. Good nutrition is especially important because both the illness and its treatments can change the way you eat and absorb nutrients. You may also notice an effect on the way your body tolerates certain foods. Our dietitian will work with you to determine your personal nutrition needs.
Cancer Prehab

Cancer Prehab

One of the best ways to limit cancer treatment issues is to get ahead of them. Started upon diagnosis, cancer pretreatment rehabilitation helps you be as strong and prepared as possible for treatment. It may include exercises to improve strength and endurance, nutrition counseling or strategies to help you decrease stress.


Physical therapy

Physical therapy is available both during and after treatment. It can undo side effects from treatment and improve your daily life and overall recovery so you’re able to live as fully as possible. Based on individual need, exercise, lymphedema therapy, manual therapy or resistance and strength training, may be incorporated.

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy helps you establish routines and increase your quality of life in many ways. We will help you overcome challenges with everyday activities like eating, dressing and bathing, lymphedema care and more.

Speech therapy

Some forms of cancer treatment create challenges related to the mouth, including eating, swallowing and speech. Fortunately, most conditions can benefit from expert therapy.
Emotional & spiritual support

Emotional & spiritual support

It is only natural that cancer can leave you feeling distraught, confused and emotionally drained. We’re here for you whether you’re looking for individual, couple, group or family support to improve emotional, behavioral and relationship concerns, such as:
  • Coping with medical conditions
  • Pain management
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Behavioral concerns
  • Stress management
  • Relationship issues
  • Chemical dependency
  • Grief and loss
  • Spiritual support
Strengthening or renewing faith is pivotal for many patients during this time. Spirituality and religion help many patients and families find deeper meaning and experience a sense of personal growth during cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery. We are able to connect patients and their families with pillars in nearly all denominations as well as options for nondenominational support.