Women's Health

A history of excellence in women’s health care. We are prepared to address your women’s care needs through the many stages of your life.

young black woman smiling and looking off into the distance

Our team is devoted to the treatment and care of women and newborns, with years of experience helping women manage and maintain their health in a variety of crucial ways. 

Experience Matters

Health isn’t just a physical feeling. It’s an experience that’s personal to you. HSHS St. Anthony's Hospital has a wide range of primary and specialty services for women and children in Effingham. This includes access to many of the most experienced providers in the region.

Woman laying on diagnostic table for bone density test

Bone densitometry

Bone densitometry is most often used to diagnose osteoporosis, a condition that often affects women after menopause but may also be found in men. Osteoporosis involves a gradual loss of calcium, causing the bones to become thinner, more fragile and more likely to break.

Bone Densitometry is also effective in tracking the effects of treatment for osteoporosis and other conditions that cause bone loss. A Bone Densitometry test can also assess an individual’s risk for developing fractures.

Ask your primary care physician if you should consider having a Bone Densitometry test.

Diagnostic Scheduling 217-757-6565

Infant in her mother's arms

Maternity services

Education is a key ingredient in preparing for the birth of your baby. St. Anthony’s offers a complete series of informative classes on childbirth and parenting. These classes are offered FREE to all expectant mothers in the region, even if you are not having your baby at St. Anthony’s.

Check out our Classes & Events for upcoming classes.

St. Anthony’s Maternity Services offers a comfortable and relaxed setting for the birth of your baby. Our labor and delivery rooms offer the most comfort, privacy, and safety possible to our new mothers and their newborns. And after a short recovery time, you are moved to a private room with a private bathroom and a sit-down shower. Our private rooms give you a quiet place for your family to enjoy the celebration of your newborn’s arrival.

Young female doctor with pink awareness ribbon holding hands of senior woman

Women's Wellness Center

HSHS St. Anthony’s Women’s Wellness Center combines the security of exceptional care with the comfort of caring individuals. We provide care to women from prevention, screening, and diagnosis to treatment and follow-up care in a consistent, compassionate and timely manner. Compassionate care for screening, diagnosis, treatment and beyond.

Led by Dr. Ruben Boyajian, Medical Director of Women’s Wellness and Cancer Care Services, the Women's Wellness Center offers:

  • 3D Mammography
  • Ultrasound
  • Bone Density
  • Breast Biopsies
  • Breast Care Boutique