Attention Seasonal Visitor Guidelines in Effect Learn More

Class Schedule

Classes to help you focus, relax and reduce stress

Young woman with headphones in front of a laptop computer

Class Schedule

All classes will be held online.

Participants have the option of joining a session live or viewing a video at a time that works for them.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction 
Time/Dates: Tuesdays, 6:00 – 7:30 PM  |  September 10 – October 29


Medical research indicates that mindfulness – focusing attention on present moment experience with openness, curiosity and a willingness to be with what is – can play an important role in reducing stress.  Mindfulness has been shown to strengthen the immune system, alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, increase productivity at work, manage chronic pain and generally decrease the harmful effects of stress on an individual’s overall health and well-being.  Mindfulness is a skill that develops through commitment and practice.   

Participants will develop the skill of mindfulness by: 

  • Understanding what mindfulness is and how it reduces stress
  • Learning and practicing formal mindfulness meditation 
  • Weaving mindfulness into the activities of daily living 
  • Completing various homework assignments that support the development of mindfulness 
  • Participating in class discussions  

All who register will receive a video recording of the online discussion.  

Please note: Those who cannot join the live online session may send their questions to Bridget to be answered during the online discussion or by email.

To register please email

This class is offered by donation.  Suggested donation sliding scale: $45 - $90 (but any amount will be accepted).