Working fast to support Hurricane Beryl recovery efforts

July 30, 2024 

Hospital Sisters Mission Outreach is extremely careful about shipping during a crisis -- we know that well-meaning, yet irresponsible, reactions can actually cause harm to people already suffering from disaster or war. (We even published an article about it.) However, when we have a request from an established partner who has built on-the-ground networks, we act as fast as possible to help those in need who are recovering from disaster. 

And that's exactly what happened a few weeks ago when our partners at Food for the Poor sent us a list of items to support recovery efforts in Jamaica -- from cots to blankets to mattresses, we had in our inventory what they needed. 

Our team set a shipping record time from order to out-the-door, and we're glad to be a part of helping our neighbors. As we sent this container on its way, our Container Prayer was especially meaningful -- as you will see in the video we made below.

Thank you to everyone at Mission Outreach, and everyone who supports our organization -- it's your reach that touches communities in need, wherever they are.

Working fast to support Hurricane Beryl recovery efforts