BEE winner named

January 05, 2023 

HSHS Holy Family Hospital presented Kayla Tompkins, PharmD, with the Being Extraordinary Everyday (BEE) Award.

The BEE Award was established to recognize the colleagues outside of nursing who go beyond expectations of their daily work to exemplify the hospital’s Mission and deliver outstanding service to patients.

Kayla was recognized by fellow colleague, Krista Waters, RN, for going above and beyond to assist in another department during a busy shift to ensure high-quality patient care. She cleaned rooms, answered call lights and made sure all the colleagues in the department were able to get something to eat.

Nominations for future BEE and other awards at Holy Family Hospital continue to be accepted. Patients and visitors are encouraged to share and submit their story of witnessing excellent and compassionate care from staff. Award descriptions and an online nomination form can be found here.

BEE winner named