$450,000 donation presented by hospital Auxiliary

February 20, 2023 

The HSHS Holy Family Hospital Auxiliary recently presented a $450,000 donation to HSHS Holy Family Hospital. These funds were raised by the auxiliary throughout 2022. The funds will assist Holy Family Hospital in renovating rooms, purchasing equipment and investing in technology to provide more services locally and enhance patient safety.

The $450,000 donation is the highest annual amount donated by the auxiliary since beginning its donations to the hospital. Since 1957, the auxiliary has raised over $8.3 million for the hospital.

“On behalf of our colleagues and the patients we serve, I am extremely grateful to our auxiliary members for their dedication and loyalty to our hospital and the community,” said Kelly Sager, HSHS Holy Family Hospital president and CEO. “Because of their outstanding efforts and ongoing support, we are able to elevate the care we provide to our patients so we can continue to serve as our community’s first choice for quality health care.”

The Holy Family Hospital Auxiliary is comprised of over 200 members. Along with planning and organizing fundraising events, the auxiliary also runs the hospital’s gift shop and the HSHS Holy Family Thrift Shop. Volunteers also serve the hospital by staffing the surgery desk.

Marian Embry, director of volunteer services, shared, “We are blessed and thankful for our dedicated volunteers. It is because of the work they do that we are able to present the hospital with our annual gift year after year,” she said. “We are also thankful to our community members who support all of the auxiliary’s fundraisers, with a special thanks to all those who support the Thrift Shop with donations and being loyal customers.”

The Holy Family Hospital Auxiliary was formed in 1957 to support the mission of the hospital and its related entities. The organization provides charitable financial support and volunteers serve in a variety of roles on behalf of the hospital. Membership dues remain just $1 per year, as they have been since 1957. To learn more about becoming an auxiliary volunteer, please contact Marian Embry, director of volunteer services, at 618-664-6096 or visit here.

Photo Caption: Auxiliary Executive Committee members recently presented HSHS Holy Family Hospital with a donation check for $450,0000. In total, the auxiliary has raised over $8.3 million for the hospital since 1957. Shown left to right by row – Front row: Brandon Pitts, Holy Family Hospital’s foundation manager; Jane Cornelius, treasurer; Kelly Sager, president and CEO of HSHS Holy Family Hospital; Marian Embry, director of volunteers; and Sharon Ahern, auxiliary president. Second row: Barb Wiese, volunteer; and Bill Ahern, volunteer. Third row: Donna Stockstill, volunteer; Donna Bristow, volunteer; and Boneva Wamser, Thrift Shop manager. Fourth row: Judy Widger, volunteer; and Sarah Mulholland, volunteer. Fifth row: Lida Vieregge, corresponding secretary; Debbie Berndsen, volunteer; and Pam Tompkins, membership/newsletter. Sixth row: Debbie Ernest, historian; Margaret Iberg, assistant treasurer; and Janet Gum, recording secretary.

$450,000 donation presented by hospital Auxiliary