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Class Schedule

Classes to help you focus, relax and reduce stress

Young woman with headphones in front of a laptop computer

Class Schedule

All classes will be held online.

Participants have the option of joining a session live or viewing a video at a time that works for them.

Guided Book Study: The Happiness Trap 
Time/Dates: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 6 to 7:30 p.m. | April 17 to July 24


If there was only one book I could recommend for “reducing stress and anxiety, overcoming depression, developing self-compassion, and creating a rich and meaningful life” it would be The Happiness Trap (2nd Edition) by Russ Harris, MD.  Dr. Harris’s work is based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a science-based approach with over 3,000 published studies that show its effectiveness.

The book study will be guided by Bridget Rolens, Mind-Body Health Educator for the Hospital Sisters Health System.  She will support the learning experience of participants by:

  • Providing a study guide with questions for reflection and practice suggestions for developing the mind-body skills of the ACT model.
  • Facilitating a bi-weekly (1st and 3rd Wednesdays) live, online discussion of ACT principles and practices, and an opportunity for Q&A.

All who register will receive a video recording of the online discussion.  

Please note: Those who cannot join the live online session may send their questions to Bridget to be answered during the online discussion or by email.

To register please email bridget.rolens@hshs.org

This class is offered by donation.  Suggested donation sliding scale: $45 - $90 (but any amount will be accepted).