Food Services

At Your Request Room Service Dining is for hospital patients. Patients can enjoy a unique dining experience similar to hotel room service.

Female patient in hospital room smiling and looking at her colorful meal Female patient in hospital room smiling and looking at her colorful meal

What makes the program special is that patients can order off an extensive menu whatever they want—whenever they want—as long as the kitchen is open and if it conforms with their physician-ordered diet.


The hospital cafeteria, Our Daily Bread, is located on the Ground Floor of the hospital. 

The cafeteria is open daily from 7:00 am until 6:30 pm. 

Hot meals are only available during the following times:

  • Breakfast: 7 am - 10 am
  • Lunch: 10:30 am - 2 pm

Coffee Shop


  • Tuesday - Friday: 7 am - Noon, 1 pm - 3 pm
  • Saturday & Sunday: Closed

A women in white drinks coffee in a coffee shop while reading a tablet

The Daily Grind & Vending Machines

The Daily Grind Coffee Shop is located on the 1st Floor adjacent to the gift shop.

When the cafeteria and The Daily Grind are closed, drinks and snacks are available 24 hours a day from vending machines located on the Ground Floor, in the Emergency Department lobby on the 1st Floor, outside of the Surgical Services Guest Lounge on the 2nd Floor, and in the ICU family lounge on the 4th Floor.