
Volunteers are key members of the HSHS St. Joseph's Hospital Breese family. They help carry out the hospital’s healing mission while demonstrating the hospital’s values of Respect, Care, Competence, and Joy.

Group of female volunteers standing outside the hospital Group of female volunteers standing outside the hospital
Volunteer hand in hand with patient

Becoming a volunteer

Volunteers bring to the hospital their own individual gifts of service which are needed and appreciated by the staff and patients. Through their generosity and sacrifice, volunteers allow the staff to make greater use of their skills by freeing them from duties that do not require professional training and making extra care available to the patients.

Schedules are set to meet your needs as well as the needs of the hospital. Days and hours are assigned as far in advance as possible for your convenience. You can volunteer as much or as little as you would like.

Hospital Auxiliary

If you enjoy serving others and being part of a team, then the St. Joseph’s Hospital Auxiliary might be for you! The Auxiliary is a volunteer organization committed to promoting and advancing the welfare of St. Joseph’s through public relations, services to the hospital and fundraising.

The Auxiliary was founded in 1969 by women who wanted to help the patients of St. Joseph’s. Since then, the Auxiliary has grown to a membership. Membership is free of charge and open to all.

While volunteer service is not a requirement of membership, there are many volunteer opportunities available for those who want to provide service.

For more information, contact Chris Gebke, Director of Volunteer Services, at 618-526-5351

Current Volunteer Opportunities

  • Assisting nursing staff
  • Helping with fundraising events
  • Delivering flowers
  • Concierge positions at various information desk
  • Assisting with various clerical duties
  • Assisting in the gift shop
  • Assist with community events like parades
  • Become a member of a quilt group
  • Become and Honor Guard for volunteers who pass away
  • Create flower arrangements
  • Assist with mailings
  • Assist with prep and the Book Sale
  • Distribute Magazines
  • Assistance in Physical Therapy
  • Create admission/discharge packets
  • Assist with Share group events
  • Play a role in the community healthfairs
As a member of the Auxiliary, you belong to the St. Joseph’s Hospital team – a team of dedicated individuals committed to continuing the healing mission of the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis that began over 130 years ago. Your role is just as important as the role played by every other member of that team.

Members of Auxiliary are part of an organization that serves under the auspices of St. Josephs’ Hospital. The executive power of the Auxiliary is vested in an Executive Committee that conducts the affairs of the Auxiliary in accordance with Bylaws of the Auxiliary. All actions of the Auxiliary Executive Committee are subject to the approval of the Hospital’s Board of Directors or the Hospital Administrator.

The general membership of the Auxiliary meet at least once a year to conduct business and/or to elect and install new Executive Committee members. The meeting is often a luncheon meeting provided by the hospital for all members.

The second week of May is National Hospital Week, where various hospital team groups are honored for their service to the hospital. Auxiliary members are treated to an appreciation luncheon.

In addition to the National Hospital Week luncheon, Auxiliary members are welcome to attend appreciation events sponsored periodically throughout the year by the hospital for employees, Medical Staff and volunteers.
Information that a colleague or volunteer obtains or hears about the care and condition of patients is confidential. Any personal information about patients or their relatives is confidential as is information concerning salaries, personnel files, and other official records and reports. Such items should not be discussed with other colleagues or volunteers unless it is necessary in the performance of hospital duties. A colleague or volunteer should NEVER discuss such things outside the hospital.

Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information will result in disciplinary action.