Visiting Hours

Having the support of your family and friends is an important part of the healing process. While we do our best to accommodate those visiting our hospital, the well-being and safety of our patients is our number one concern.

A patient is in bed with a loved one, nurse and doctor A patient is in bed with a loved one, nurse and doctor

Visitors are welcome 24 hours a day

Exceptions are the NICU, pediatrics and the women and infants center. HSHS St. John’s Children’s hospital visiting hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 

To enter the building after 8 p.m. or before 5 a.m., use the emergency department entrance on the lower level of the hospital off Carpenter Street.

Children under the age of 18 must be with an adult at all times.

Visitor guidelines are subject to change at any time to address the health needs of our communities in central and southern Illinois.

Wearing a mask is optional for most patients and visitors. Please understand that there are some exceptions when masking will still be required in our HSHS facilities in Illinois.

Masks are still required for patients and visitors who: 

  • May have respiratory illness, or symptoms similar to COVID or the flu.
  • Have been exposed to someone with COVID in the last 10 days.
  • Work or live in an area that is experiencing a COVID outbreak.
  • Visit or care for patients who are in isolation. 

Additionally, patients may request that anyone in their care team wear masks in certain situations and we will respect and honor their wishes.

As we continue to monitor community transmission levels of all respiratory illnesses, HSHS reserves the right to require masking at any time, should community transmission levels change.

Threatening or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated. Our hospital is a safe and healing environment. Disruptive persons will be asked to leave our facility.

Department considerations

Visitation in high-risk areas or for patients with communicable diseases will be at the discretion of department leadership. Similarly, departmental leadership may restrict the number of visitors at any point for the safety of patients and colleagues.

Pediatric Unit and Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

  • General visiting hours are 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. daily.
  • No more than two visitors (excluding parents and siblings) at the bedside at any one time.  
  • Visiting hours for all siblings, extended family and friends are 8 am to 8 pm.
  • Pediatrics is a secured unit. 
  • Only visitors listed on the patient visitor list will be permitted on the unit.
  • Visitors must check in at the security desk in the lobby to receive a visitor badge. Once the visitor arrives on the Pediatric Unit, the visitor must use the phone outside the unit doors to call and receive permission to enter. 
  • Please check in at the nurses' desk before entering room.
  • No children under the age of 18 are allowed to spend the night.
  • Only two adults may stay at the bedside overnight.
  • Any visitor may be asked to leave if behavior is deemed inappropriate.
  • All visitors must be healthy (fever free, no signs of respiratory illness, etc.).


  • Two parents or guardians and up to four NICU Care Partners are allowed. 
  • Individuals must remain the same for the duration of hospital stay. 
  • Four people are allowed in room at once. 
  • Care Partners are to follow the visiting hours of 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
  • No one under the age of 18. 
  • All visitors must be healthy (fever free, no signs of respiratory illness, etc.).

Intensive Care Units (ICU/CVICU)

  • Visiting hours are open throughout the day and night.
  • Number of visitors for each patient is limited to two at any given time and they may be asked to leave the bedside during change of shift report.
  • After 8 p.m., no more than two visitors per patient may remain in the ICU visitors lounge.
  • This is a secured unit. No visitors under 16 years old.

Women and Infants Center (former Birth Center)

  • Only the support person, plus two other visitors, are allowed in the room at the time of delivery. Only hospital staff are allowed to exit or enter the delivery room.
  • In addition to the support person, 2 visitors at a time are allowed. There is an additional waiting area on the second floor (main lobby), if needed.
  • Visitors MUST obtain a visitor's badge at the front desk before entering the unit. Badges must be visible at all times.
  • One adult visitor (over the age of 18) will be allowed to stay overnight on the unit. 
  • Siblings are allowed to visit after mother is moved to post- partum rooms. 
  • Visitors may be limited, if necessary, to ensure the health of the mother and her infant.