About HSHS

Since 1875, the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis have been caring for patients in Illinois, Wisconsin and other locations in the United States and across the world..

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A message from HSHS President & CEO Damond Boatwright

On behalf of the 13,000 colleagues who make up Hospital Sisters Health System (HSHS), thank you for visiting our website and learning more about our health care ministry.

All of us at HSHS endeavor to reveal and embody Christ’s healing love for all people through our high-quality Franciscan health care ministry. The work we do each day is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the heritage, mission, philosophy and values of the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis, who have been caring for the sick and injured since 1875. Today, we serve hundreds of thousands of residents in Illinois and Wisconsin.

As a Franciscan health care ministry, we take inspiration from the teachings of St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi as we serve others, particularly the most vulnerable in our society. As health care professionals, we constantly adapt to changes in health care so we can deliver excellence in every encounter with our patients, their families and those with whom we work.

We hope the information found on this website will help you better understand our commitment to living our mission through new investments in our hospital-based services, our ongoing initiatives to integrate the delivery of care so that it centers on the unique needs of each patient, our work to enhance access to care, and our collaboration with others to improve health and wellness for all. 

Thank you again for learning more about HSHS and about those who bring our mission and values to life.

Committed To Our Mission To Heal

Today, with 13 hospitals, scores of community-based health centers and clinics, over 1,000 physician partners, and more than 11,000 colleagues, HSHS is committed to its mission “to reveal and embody Christ’s healing love for all people through our high-quality Franciscan health care ministry.

HSHS is sponsored by Hospital Sisters Ministries, a Public Juridic Person (PJP) approved by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Vatican City, on July 2, 2015, and the Hospital Sisters of St. Francis is the Founding Institute/Legacy Sponsor. As the Sponsor of HSHS and its ministries, Hospital Sisters Ministries serves as Members of HSHS and with the HSHS Board of Directors fulfills all requirements of Church and Civil law. The Members have certain Reserved Powers as set forth in the bylaws of HSHS and exercise specific authority therein.

HSHS was incorporated on December 26, 1978.

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Our Promise

HSHS continues to advance its mission through its care integration strategy by working closely with physician partners in Illinois and Wisconsin to deliver high-quality, patient-centered care. Together, we strive to ensure each patient who enters our system has seamless access to health and wellness programs, primary and specialty care, and acute and post-acute care. 

Through their commitment to our care integration strategy, HSHS physician partners coordinate closely with our hospital and clinic colleagues to provide our patients with holistic care that meets their individual needs.

By leveraging the latest technology, emphasizing the importance of relationships, and living its values, HSHS is making a positive difference in the lives of the patients and families it is privileged to serve.

FY2023 Quick Facts

1.99 Million People Served
284,366 Emergency Dept. Visits
53,140 Surgical Cases
12,830 Total Colleagues
67,756 Inpatient Admissions